
The leaders in stabillised Aerial and Ground Cinematography

Cinestar 8

Was out testing the Freefly Cinestar 8 today and what an amazing machine. Rather intimidating, but the build is fabulous. 

The guys from Freefly posted a really beautiful test clip of their Cinestar 8 with the MÓVI MR and the new Red Dragon camera. Shot in 6k, the outcome is magical. 

They used a 24mm tilt shift lens, which is what we also have on our gear. So I look forward to creating some beautiful moving images with this setup.


The Freefly team took RED's new 6K Dragon camera airborne during a rare Pacific Northwest snowstorm. The goal was to continue our testing of the Dragon camera and better familiarize the team with the capabilities of the new 6K camera system. The results of the test were pretty compelling! The incredible resolution and dynamic range of the Dragon coupled with the dynamic camera moves created by the CineStar Multi Rotor produced some visually stunning sequences. Camera Red Epic Dragon Canon TS-E 24mm F/3.5L Tilt Shift Lens Leica 50mm F/2 Summicron Lens Leica 90mm F/2 Summicron Lens Aircraft CineStar 8 Synapse Flight Controller MōVI MR stabilized camera gimbal Gear SmallHD AC7 monitors Paralinx Tomahawk